Import Options Tab (Visa) of the Batch Types Screen

Use the Import Options tab to set up options for importing Visa charges.

General Options

Field Description
Update Employee With Account Information

Select this check box to have the import link the Visa account number to the proper employee as a part of the upload.

The import updates Personnel/Employee Information/Pay Methods with the Visa information contained in the VISAVCF40 file.

Update Provider with Supplier Name

Select this check box if you would like the import of the VISAVCF40 file to update the Settings > Providers > Visa Supplier Names screen with the names Visa uses for the company providing the services.

Import As Multi-Currency

Select this check box if you are running Costpoint using the Multi-Currency option turned on, and you want the expenses in the file to be imported in their various currencies. Left unselected, the expenses are imported in each employee's base currency.

Filter Value

Field Description
Add Line

Click Add Line if you want to add a new line to the filter values. You need to provide the From Merchant and To Merchant values. Using the drop-down list, select the Wizard that applies to the range of merchants. Select the Pay Method of Visa. Select the Personal check box if the expenses on this line are personal expenses. Select OK to save this line. Select Cancel to return to the Import Options screen without saving the new line.

Edit Line

Click Edit Line to allow the editing of an existing line.

Delete Line

Click Delete Line to delete existing lines. You may select multiple lines for deletion.

From Merchant

Enter the From Merchant value. This is the Merchant Category Code you want your range for this line to begin with. A list of Merchant Category Codes should be obtained from Visa, or you may look at the VISAVCF40 file and identify the codes.

To Merchant

Enter the To Merchant value. This is the Merchant Category Code you want your range for this line to end with.


Select the wizard that applies to the expenses with the From Merchant and To Merchant category codes on this line.

Pay Method

The payment method selected on the Batch Types/Basic Information screen defaults into the Pay Method drop-down list. In most cases, if you are setting up the Visa batch types, the Visa pay method is the correct one; however, you may override that value if you need to.


Select this check box if the expenses contained on this line are personal.

Transaction Type Filter

Transaction type filters are codes for specific charges and fees that are preloaded into Expense. You may configure the system to include or exclude them from the uploaded VISAVCF40 file.

Field Description
Filter Type

Use this group box to determine whether expenses should be included or excluded as determined by the value contained in certain fields and the filters that you set up.

  • Include Expenses That Meet Filter — Select this check box if you want the transaction type codes included on the table to the right to be included in the data pulled from the VISAVCF40 file.
  • Exclude Expenses That Meet Filter — Select this check box if you want the transaction type codes included on the table to the right to be excluded from the data pulled from the VISAVCF40 file.
Add Filter

Click Add Filter if you would like to add a single transaction type filter to the list. You select the Filter code from the drop down list. OK saves your selection. Cancel returns you to the Batch Import screen without saving your selection.

Delete Filter

Click Delete Filter if you want to delete a line. You may select single or multiple codes for deletion.

Load All

Click Load All if you want to load all of the pre-supplied transaction type filters to the list.


This is the numeric code for the transaction type filter. This field may not be edited.


This is the alpha description of the transaction type filter. This field may not be edited.